loose diamonds lauren b 1 items total September 20, 2015 Wedding Band Advice: when to purchase, which style and more. In the search for the perfect engagement ring, people often ask us whether or not it is common to purchase the wedding band at the same time, or separately, closer to the wedding date? While there is no right way of doing it, there are a couple things to keep in mind when shopping for your engagement ring.It is good to think ahead. Do you want your wedding band to sit perfectly flush against your engagement ring? Would you like it to match perfectly, or would you like to add an artsy twist to your style by doing something different? Let's talk about it here! Continue reading → Continue reading → This entry was posted in Styles & Details, Brides Guide and tagged loose diamonds lauren b, diamond eternity band, matching your engagement ring, engagement ring wedding band match, when to buy a wedding band, matching wedding band. wedding band advice, wedding bands on September 20, 2015 by admin. 1 Item(s)