As if buying a diamond wasn’t complicated enough, an added element that goes beyond the basic 4C’s requires additional consideration: diamond ratios. Luckily, this uncharted territory isn’t as difficult to understand as one might think! In an effort to ease your diamond buying experience, we’ve simplified what you need to know about measurement ratios to help get you to the finish line of finding your perfect diamond!
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This entry was posted in Diamonds 101 and tagged laurenb, fall, Facets, emerald, natural, oval, brilliance, pear, GIA, gems, round diamonds, emerald cut diamonds, diamond ratios, GIA certificate, elongated, cushion appearance, round diamond, elongated cushion, step cut, emerald cut, cushion cut, fancy shape, diamond shape, radiant cut diamond, radiant, radiant cut, ring, lauren b, engagement, jewelry, Diamond on April 28, 2020 by Gabby Schwarz.