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Engagement Rings

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Hybrid Cut Engagement Rings

If you are looking for a truly unique diamond for a special someone, then the hybrid step cut is a great place to start. This unique diamond is a cross between an emerald cut and a cushion-cut, providing the best of both worlds in a single design.

What is a Hybrid Step Cut Diamond?

Hybrid cut engagement rings are an exclusive cut to Lauren B Jewelry in New York City. The hybrid step cut diamond combines some of the step cut faceting of an emerald cut with the rounded corners and brilliance of a cushion cut diamond.

Hybrid Step Cut Engagement Rings in NYC

If you are looking for a hybrid step cut engagement ring in the New York area then Lauren B Jewelry is a great place to start! Our hybrid step cut rings are handcrafted to ensure a delicate, seamless appearance. Browse our available hybrid step cut rings or talk to a consultant about a custom ring design. Come visit us today or reach out by scheduling an appointment in-store or virtually.